Halloween Treats

Scary Spider Cupcakes

Then Richard and Custard started planning their toppings. Richard made some white icing, which he separated into two bowls, and Custard then used food colouring to make one portion as black as he could. It took quite a lot of testing and trialling using the three primary colours he had available, but he found that a combination of mostly blue and a little bit of yellow (which made a dark green) plus some red made an effective dark colour, almost black.

Richard And Custard Make Icing

Then Richard made some grey buttercream, just ordinary buttercream but with a little bit of Custard's 'black' icing added to it. He also found some liquorice, in the shape of Catherine wheels, which he proceeded to cut up into shorter lengths. They remained quite curly though.

Liquorice Catherine Wheels

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