Halloween Decorations

Halloween Bats

So Teddy set to and found some more googly eyes (you may remember the bears used them on their spiders too!) and he stuck them on to the bat shapes. Even then they weren't very exciting.

So Bubbles decided to make some folds in the bat's wings. He was very clever because, suddenly, the bat seemed to come alive!! He now looked like he could fly and swoop at people.

Teddy Sticking On Eyes

Then Teddy found some black shirring elastic (which is a special sort of thin elastic thread - the bears bought theirs from their local craft shop). He made a hole in the bat's head and tied a long length of elastic through it.

When the bat was hung from the ceiling, any gentle breeze (or a pull or a push from a bear!) would make it fly around as if it was real! Brilliant!

Where To Fold

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