Hallowe'en Preparations

Making Decorations
There Are Spiders Everywhere

He cut the wool around the edge of the discs, then pulled the discs apart slightly, then tied a shorter piece of wool around them, capturing all the bits. Then he pulled the discs totally off the wool. After a bit of primping and pulling, there appeared a perfectly lovely round pom-pom. Gorgeous! This would be the spider's body.

Meanwhile, Crackers was cutting up black pipe cleaners into equal lengths to make the spider's legs.

Crackers Starts Making Spider Legs
Crackers Starts Making Spider Legs
By cutting the pipe cleaners twice the length he wanted the legs to end up, he only had to cut 4 lengths - 8 legs on a spider, divided by 2 equals 4! Crackers is very good at his sums!!!

He put the 4 lengths together and crossed them all in the middle, then spread them out slightly so that they would look like the legs on a spider.

Crackers Making Spider Legs
Crackers Making Spider Legs
He also bent them at what would be the spider's "knees" and "ankles" - do spiders have knees and ankles??!?

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