Hallowe'en Preparations

Making Decorations
There Are Spiders Everywhere

The bears had such a great Hallowe'en Party last year that they've decided to host another one this year and they've invited all their pals!

In the meantime, they've invited Edward over to help them prepare for it. Edward and Crackers started making some of the decorations. This year they decided to make scary spiders (they don't mean you, Scary!)

Edward cut out 2 lots of 2" diameter discs from cardboard, with a central 1" hole in each of them. Then he found some black wool and cut off a very long length of it and threaded it through a bodkin (that's a fat needle with a blunt end instead of a sharp one). Edward really ought not to be using sharp needles!!

Then he held the 2 discs together and started to wind the wool neatly around them, using the bodkin to thread it through the hole.

Edward Making Spider Bodies
Edward Making Spider Bodies
It was very tiring looping the wool around and around and around the discs, but eventually the inner hole was so full he couldn't get the bodkin through it! So he stopped!

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