Hallowe'en Party

The Bears' Hallowe'en Party
The Gang's All Here

They played some games too, such as bobbing for apples. Good job it was warm outside so they could set up their bowl of water in the garden and try to pick as many apples as they could out of it with their paws held behind their backs. Quite a lot of things tended to get very damp, apart from the bowl. Things like fur, paws, ribbons, masks, faces - everything!

The smaller bears had to have a smaller bowl of water of their own to play with, otherwise they might have ended up swimming in the big bowl!!

After a lot of fun, some drying off of fur, and some hot chocolate, they decided it was the best party ever! Perhaps you could follow some of the bears' ideas for masks and biscuits and games and have your own Hallowe'en Party too? But mostly, make sure that you have a lot of fun!

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