Growing Vegetables

Peas And Beans

As you can see in the pictures, the plants are very healthy and sturdy, and growing bigger and bigger all the time. The broad beans are covered in black and white flowers which will turn into green pods which will contain lots of broad beans.

Pea Plants
The peas have not yet flowered, but when they do, they will have pods full of peas! Yum! Yum!

The bears still make sure the plants get lots of water - now they are outside they are watered by the rain falling, but the bears may have to water them if there are long periods without any rain. So they can't really make up their minds whether they want it to rain or not - if it rains, they can't go out and play, but if it doesn't, then their peas and beans won't get enough water. If only they could persuade the weather to rain during the night, and be sunny during the day!! That would be the best of both worlds!

Broad Bean Plants

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