Growing Vegetables

Peas And Beans

They're very glad now that they persevered - because look at them now!! When the peas and beans were big enough to handle, the bears planted them into some compost in little plant pots and put them in the greenhouse.

Broad Beans Planted In Pot

Then they grew and grew until they became quite big plants - the broad bean plants are certainly as big as Boo!!

Boo Checks The Broad Beans
The peas grow into more delicate plants which grow tendrils which will attach to a support.

Once the plants were big enough to live outside, the bears put them into one of the raised beds they have for their vegetables in the garden. They stuck canes in the ground first for the broad beans, to help keep them upright, and they stuck some twiggy sticks in the ground for the peas to curl their tendrils around and grow up.

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