Goosey Goosey Gander

An Old Rhyme

The teddy bears were on a walk round their local wildlife pond, which they visited regularly. Suddenly, Bubbles, who was at the front of the group, suddenly stopped and pointed ahead.

"Ssssh! Look!" he called as quietly as he could.

On the path in front of them were a pair of geese and a lot of tiny geese.

"How cute are they?" whispered Lizzie. "Are they little babies?" she asked.

Mummy Goose And Goslings

"Yes, they are," said Scary. "Actually, baby geese are called goslings. The word goose comes from the Old Norse word gás which later became the English word goose. Goose generally refers to either a male or a female, but a male is also called a gander. I know a nursery rhyme about them if you'd like to hear it?"

"Ooooh, yes please!" said Boo, who loved rhymes and poems.

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