Games Of Marbles

Games For A Wet Afternoon

"How does this work, Charlie?" asked James, slightly puzzled.

"The number above each arch is the number of points you get if your marble goes through that arch. You take turns to roll your marbles towards the arches, trying your best to get a marble through as many as possible, then we add up the points to see who wins."

The Arches Game Ready

James went first and rolled his 10 marbles at the arches, trying to get one through the arch numbered 25 (though that was a smaller arch and in a rather difficult position and his marbles kept going off course). Eventually his first score was just 10, but in subsequent games he got better and better and eventually won overall! He was extremely pleased!

When his tummy started to rumble, though, he knew it was teatime, but they'd all had a lovely time learning some new games of marbles, and Charlie promised them that he would plan some more games for them for another time.

Richard And James Ready

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