Fun In The Snow

The Teddy Bears Enjoy Playing In The Snow

They took some pictures and some measurements so they could confirm later from their books or the internet, but they were pretty certain that one set was made by a bird (but not specifically which one as they have so many birds in the garden). They thought the other set might have been made by a field mouse. The footprints were even tinier than Tommy's!

Is It A Mouse?

Then Boo said "Just a minute - I've thought of something we can do outside in the snow!" and he ran off inside the house. "Where's he going?" asked Custard, but Boo was back out again before any of them could think what he was up to, and he was dragging a sledge behind him!

"Gosh!" exclaimed Teddy. "I'd forgotten we had that. We don't normally have enough snow to do any sledging."

Boo And Custard Take Their Turn

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