Floral Displays

Such Pretty Flowers

"I expect all the other bears would like to help with the watering," said Scary, "so you won't be doing it all yourself."

"Can we make another one?" asked James, "Only I saw a plant with a very bright flower that might make a good centre plant."

"OK," said Scary, "we've still got time before it gets too hot for all of us!"

James helped Charlie pick out some more flowers from the greenhouse. He pointed to a very orange flower at the back of the shelf, and Charlie agreed it could go in the middle of the next basket.

James Helps

As James planted it in the basket, he asked Charlie if he knew what the flower was called. "It's a marigold," said Charlie, "and will be covered in deep golden flowers very soon."

When the second basket was filled, Charlie watered it, and then Charlie and Scary carried both baskets to a shady part of the garden to settle before being hung up. "We need to check that the chains are still strong enough to hold the baskets up," said Charlie, "all that compost, and flowers and water will make them very heavy." And he went round each one to make sure they were still intact and didn't have any links rusting or missing.

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