Floral Displays

Such Pretty Flowers

"Well, baskets first, of course," said Charlie, smiling. "And compost, a trowel, and special flowers that we've been growing in the greenhouse. We'll also need some linings for the baskets so the compost doesn't fall out." So the three bears went up to the greenhouse. Scary filled a bucket with compost, Charlie put several pots of flowers in a tray and James found the trowel. They took everything into the shade.

Scary had found two baskets which were already lined with what looked like moss. He explained to the others that the moss was a special type called sphagnum moss. It soaked up water so the compost would stay damp longer so the flowers could live longer. Charlie had found several different flowers growing in the greenhouse.

And Into The Basket

"Are they special sorts of flowers, Charlie?" asked James.

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