Floral Displays

Such Pretty Flowers

"What are you looking for?" asked Charlie, wondering if he could help.

"Well, I'm sure last year there were some really pretty, colourful flowers growing out of baskets hanging up on the walls," said James, "but I can't see any now."

Stop The Basket From Rolling

"That's because they haven't been made yet," said Scary, laughing. "Maybe that's something we could do this morning in the shady part of the garden before it gets too hot for little bears. Would you like to help?"

"Yes, please," replied James.

"Well, we'll have to get all the things we need and put them in this corner," said Scary, pointing at the side of the house currently in deep shade.

"Can I help?" asked Charlie, liking to be involved in making anything.

"Of course," said Scary. "Maybe you could suggest the things we will need."

Scary Scoops Compost Out

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