
Very Interesting Flowers

"That's great!" said Teddy. "Soon the meadow will be full of them! I like crocuses."

"Apparently, we could also have planted the bulbs on the rockery, or even just in the flowerbeds," continued Bubbles. "We'd soon have them everywhere!"

"That would be lovely," said Charlie cautiously, "but we need room for all the other flowers we love too!"

"They're also an early source of food for bees," resumed Bubbles. "But, unfortunately, the local squirrels like the bulbs too and will dig them up and eat them and then we won't have so many. But when we plant any more, we'll have to remember to cover them with wire netting and then the squirrels won't be able to get at them."

All Colours

"And I think they also sneak up onto the bird feeders and steal the peanuts!" Henry added. "Though I do like squirrels actually so maybe we'll just put extra peanuts out on the ground for them instead." Everyone agreed - they all liked watching the squirrels and their acrobatics too.

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