Completing The Big Garden Bird Watch 2021

What The Bears Did

The house sparrow has been top of the list for the past seventeen years!! And the top three in the list were the same as they were the year before. Actually, the only new bird in the list was the long-tailed tit, which meant that the chaffinch was no longer in the list. Poor chaffinch!

Wood Pigeon

Another bird not in the list last year was the wren. The bears quite often see a wren in their garden. They have to look really carefully for it though because it is so tiny!

As well as counting birds, the RSPB also asks you if you have seen different wild animals to see how they are faring. One of the bears' favourites to tick off is the hedgehog. If the bears stay up late enough in the summer, they sometimes see a hedgehog in their garden. But last year, only 1 in 4 people saw a hedgehog so the bears feel very privileged.

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