Cloud Watching

A Relaxing Pastime

"I still can't see any birds," Richard responded, "Where exactly are they?"

Suddenly, Scary intervened. "Oh, I see what you mean," he said, "right up there in the sky - they're not real birds, but they certainly look like them."

Now all the other bears were beginning to think that perhaps Custard and Scary might have been out in the sun a little too long, and were seeing things.

Scary noticed that the others hadn't quite cottoned on to what Custard had seen so he decided he ought to enlighten his friends. "Look," he explained, "up in the sky - there! Custard is looking at those white clouds in the sky that look exactly the shape of birds flying!"

Is That A Parrot?

The other bears looked high up into the blue sky and, sure enough, there were some clouds up there that looked exactly like several birds flying in formation. Some of the bears were standing up and craning their necks to look up to where Scary was pointing.

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