Christmas Decorations 2022 Part 1

Christmas Trees

"What else shall we add?" asked Lizzie. "What about this tiny parcel?" She had found a small present-shaped decoration they would usually use on the front of their home-made Christmas cards. "Yes, that would look lovely," said Henry, and Lizzie dutifully glued it on.

Their tree now looked very festive and Edward suggested that they use a coloured clothes peg clipped to the bottom of the tree to look like the tree trunk. Now it looked gorgeous. They decided that they would hang their little tree against the wall so added a loop of twine to the top of the tree.

...And A Tiny Present
All the other bears thought the little Christmas tree was wonderful and got together in pairs to make even more. They had a great afternoon together, all vying with each other to make the very best tree they could, all with different designs. Their worktop ended up becoming quite messy by the time they had finished, strewn with glittering stars, bits of coloured twine, bent pipe cleaners and other debris, but they all grouped together to do the tidying up and it was soon all straight and ship-shape again.

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