Cake For The Birds

Making Cakes For The Birds

The bears have been looking through an old Bird Watch pack, and they found recipes for suet cakes for the birds, and biscuits for the watchers (like them!) They decided that they would follow the recipe for the suet cakes so that they could hang them up in their garden and maybe encourage even more birds to visit them.

They needed to find some yogurt pots, some string, a pair of scissors, some suet or lard, a mixing bowl, some bird seed, some raisins and some grated cheese.

All The Materials
But they couldn't find any yogurt pots! Oh no! They failed at the first item! But Scary suggested that perhaps they could use small plastic plant pots instead, so they found some of those, and, sure enough, they turned out to be ideal for the job! Clever Scary!
Scary And Custard Mixing The Cakes
The string and scissors were easy items to find, and they had a mixing bowl. They didn't have any suet but they did find some lard in the fridge, so they took that out so that it would become a bit softer whilst they found the other ingredients. They always have birdseed around so there was plenty of that, and they had raisins amongst their baking foods, and there was a block of cheese which Edward very carefully grated a portion of - he made sure he didn't grate any of his paws as well!!
Nearly Done

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