
Buttercups In The Garden

It has been very hot recently and the bears have spent most of their time out of doors. Sometimes their pals come round for the day as well and they can all have a picnic outside for their lunch. They usually play games first thing (when they have extra loads of energy) and then, when it gets very sunny and hot, they will sit in the shade of the trees in the garden and chat and drink cold lemonade and snooze.

They were sitting outside the other day when Crackers started to tell them all about the names of some of the wildflowers in the garden.

Tommy Asks About Buttercups
Most people don't like to see wildflowers in their green lawns and dig them out, but the bears like them and let them stay.

Anyway, Crackers told them that one of their favourites was called a buttercup - a pretty little yellow flower on long stems - sometimes you see them in the grass verges at the sides of the road too, and they can definitely be found in the fields in the countryside.

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