Bonfire Night Games

Easy Fireworks

The teddy bears were looking forward to holding their own Bonfire Night Party this year. "What sort of things do you think we should do?" asked Vicky. "Apart from the fireworks and the food of course!"

"Well, I'm sure there are all sorts of games we could play," suggested Scary. "Has anyone any ideas?"

"What about bobbing for apples?" asked Boo, then immediately regretted it as he hated to get his fur wet.

"How about something slightly different?" suggested Teddy. "We could tie the apples to pieces of string and hang them up, then everyone has to try and grab one dangling in front of them."

This sounded like quite a fun idea, and at least there was no water involved! But Boo still didn't really like the thought of all those hard apples crashing and banging around the teddy bears' heads! "How about we swap the apples hanging up for marshmallows?" he asked. "That way no-one will get knocked on the head, and also, I much prefer eating marshmallows to apples!"

Not So Easy Is It?

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