
Lots To Pick

Even though they found berries low down on some branches, they still weren't quite low enough for Tommy to pick. He looked all around to see if there was some way he could climb up to reach them, and he was very unhappy when he couldn't find a way. He started to cry - poor Tommy!

However, all was not lost! Boo very kindly came to his aid by offering to give him a lift, and Tommy managed to balance on the top of Boo's head and reach the berries! He was very happy then!

Boo Can Help
After Boo lowered Tommy back to the ground, Tommy noticed Boo's tummy was all covered in spots! What could have happened? Had he caught the measles? Actually, they weren't spots - they were sticky blobs off a plant which was growing near the brambles! Phew! That was good news - but then everyone tried to help Boo pull the blobs off his tummy, only to find they then stuck to their paws too! It took a very long time to get rid of them! They had to eat lots of blackberries to fortify themselves while they struggled!
Where Did They Come From?

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