
Lots To Pick

It was a lovely sunny day today and Richard suggested that all the teddy bears should go out for a walk. Some of them weren't very keen because the weather was too hot, but to make things more fun, Scary suggested that they go blackberrying. The bears all love eating blackberries, and they could pick them as they walked, and use some later to make a pudding for their tea. That was just the excuse they needed and they were all suddenly very eager!

They found some plastic boxes to put the blackberries in, and an old walking stick, which they would use to pull down some of the higher blackberry branches so that they could reach them.

Messy Paws!
They also took some wet-wipes because the juice from the blackberries they picked is notorious for getting all over paws!

In the countryside, they chose a very quiet country lane, without much traffic - they didn't want their blackberries to taste of exhaust fumes! They spread out and walked along the lane until they found some blackberry bushes. You have to be really careful when picking blackberries - not only does the juice squish all over you, but the brambles they grow on have exceptionally sharp prickles on them, which need to be avoided at all costs! There were lots of 'Ouches' and 'Ows' as the bears picked.

How Can I Reach Them?

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