BirdWatch 2024

Bird Group Names

"Where are all the birds?" complained Edward within the first few minutes. "With all that lovely food outside, I expected that there would be hordes of birds around now."

"Actually," said Bubbles, "big groups of birds aren't referred to as hordes. Would you like to know some of the interesting group names of different birds though?"

The bears were always very interested in fun facts so they encouraged Bubbles to continue.

An Elusive Chaffinch

"Well," Bubbles began, "you probably already know that a group of flying geese is called a skein or 'V' (because a folded-back hank - or skein - of wool looks like the 'V' shape they fly in). But they don't fly in that shape just because they like the letter, but because it helps them to fly just behind and to the side of their friends in front so they can benefit from their slipstream which means they don't have to put so much effort into their flying."

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