Big Garden BirdWatch Planning

Big Garden BirdWatch 2020
S08_01_A Blue Tit In The Garden

They have invited their pals to join them to do the Bird Watch, and they decided that if they each learned how to recognise a particular bird, they wouldn't have to spend time looking them all up. Although, of course, a rare bird might visit them on the day. That would be very exciting! They'll have their

S8_1_A Blue Tit In The Garden
A Blue Tit In The Garden
bird reference books to hand just in case that happens!

As well as birds, there is also a section on the counting sheet to say whether they have seen any other wildlife in their garden in the last year too - such as hedgehogs or beetles - and how often. The bears know that a hedgehog visits their garden every night in the Summer, but not in the Winter (when it will be hibernating - that means going to sleep during the cold months of the year).

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