Autumn Is Here

Autumn Colour

"And, of course, you can't help but kick through the piles as you walk along, sending them scattering into the air to keep falling down again and again!" added Richard.

Who's Hiding Here?

"I like it when you look up at the leaves in the trees against, hopefully, a gorgeous blue sky," stated Lizzie. "They look so lovely - like a beautiful painting."

"Actually," said Henry, "Autumn makes me feel a little bit sad. It means it's the end of Summer and it will start to get colder and all the trees will soon be bare."

"Oh, it's not sad, Henry," explained Scary, "You see, it means that the trees will be settling down for the Winter so that they have the time and energy to make beautiful new green leaves again in the Spring. And, before you know it, they'll soon be looking luxuriant again."

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