An Easter Egg Hunt

Looking For Easter Eggs

Then the older bears were given their baskets and the first colour of the egg they should be looking for.

WalkerBear Finds His Orange Egg
Inside their eggs there were clues to the locations of their next egg, and they had to find all their eggs before they were rewarded with a big Easter egg each! Yum yum!

Some of the clues they had to decipher seemed very complicated (especially to the younger bears who were watching the hunt). Try this one out - each line of the verse hints at a letter and then the letters make up the name of a place in the garden?

My first is in gain but not in pain
My second is in barn and also in grain
My third is a junction and also a shirt
My last starts early so put on a spurt!

Think about it for a little while, then check out the answer at the end.

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