An Autumn Walk

Lots To See

"And what's a bund?" asked Custard.

"Well, let me answer Custard first," replied Scary. "A bund is a raised embankment along a river or the sea, just like this one we are on, with a path along the top, where we are higher than the surrounding land, and it gives us a much better view of things."

"And, Henry," Scary continued, "let's make our walk a little more exciting then and perhaps we could all look out for something really interesting as we walk. That way it won't seem to take very long at all!"

Henry thought about this and decided that it might actually make the distance pass faster. So he and the other bears kept their eyes peeled for anything the others might find interesting.

Very quickly Richard pointed out two large white birds swimming in the water. "Look!" he called, "those are really graceful birds - what are they, Bubbles?

Swans A-Swimming

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