Advent Calendar Decorations

The Best Of Both Worlds

The bears all watched as Edward quickly put together a few loops to explain what he meant. It was much easier to understand when they could see how to do it, rather than just listen to instructions.

"So, in the count-down to Christmas," Edward resumed, "we will be making a long paper chain decoration as well!"

"Actually," James interrupted, "it will be a count-UP, not a count-DOWN!" Everyone burst out laughing. James was quite right!

Once they'd all stopped giggling, Edward managed to carry on. "By Christmas Eve," he said, "there should be 48 loops making a lovely new decoration which we can hang up in the house. It will be an Advent Calendar AND a Christmas decoration. And we will all have helped to make it."

Loop Them Like This

The bears loved this idea and now can't wait for the first day of December so they can start their new Advent Calendar.

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