A Walk In The Woods

Exploring Beneath The Trees

It has been so hot recently that the teddy bears thought it would be very nice to go for a walk through some cool and shady woodland. Their favourite woods are not far away in Alderley Edge in Cheshire. So they packed some sandwiches, some home-made biscuits and big bottles of lemon squash and set off.

Boo Found The Edge Sign!
They invited some of their pals to meet them there. They had to walk across some fields to reach the woods and were getting very hot out in the sunshine so it was such a relief to get under the trees. They stopped for a short break and ate some biscuits and had a drink.

Then it was time to explore! Boo found the sign to the Edge itself so they knew which way to go. They followed a track through some very tall trees, gazing up at their high branches. Note to selves - don't walk and look upwards at the same time!

Don't Look Up And Walk!
Harry managed to stumble over a tree root and fall to the ground. Luckily, he fell into a deep pile of old leaves so he wasn't really hurt, but they all agreed to keep their eyes on where they were going, and to stop if they wanted to look upwards.

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