A Picnic Hike

Preparations Are Important

"We'll also need snacks!" said Henry. They found some dried fruit, raisins, sultanas, coconut strips and some different nuts like almonds and hazelnuts and walnuts. "We can make our own trail mix!" declared Henry. That would do for snack stops on the way, and they would take some nice biscuits too. They could keep them in the outside pockets of their rucksacks or in their coat pockets so that they could reach them easily without having to disturb their main picnic lunches.

"That seems like quite a lot of food," murmured Boo, "but we will be out for quite a while and it's surprising just how hungry you get when you're outdoors and hiking. Now, what have we forgotten?" he asked Henry.

"Well, there can't be much food left," laughed Henry. "I can't think what we might have missed."

"Well, we're going to need something to drink," said Boo. "All that walking is going to make us extra-thirsty. The rule of thumb is that, for every hour we are walking, we should each have 2 cups of water with us. As we are going out for maybe two to three hours, we should take 6 cups of water each. We can carry it in our water bottles. If it was very hot weather we would need more water, and we would probably want to carry it in a vacuum flask to keep it cool.

Another Rest Stop
As it is, I think we should take some of the ice-packs out of the freezer and put one in the bottom of everyone's lunchbox to keep their food cool."

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