A Great Party

A Great Day

After everyone was full (or nearly full in the case of those bears who really liked their food!) the teddy bears' friends brought out some games to play - Pass the Parcel, Pin The Diamond On The Crown, Wordsearch - thankfully none of them involved running around - the bears were all very grateful for that since they were so full by then they couldn't even think of moving! (You can print off a copy of the Wordsearch here and try it yourselves).

Charlie let the other bears try on his cloak and crown - though both were a bit big for the smaller bears but they wore them anyway, even though it made everyone giggle at the sight!

The King And His Tailor!

After several hours of good fun, good food and, luckily, good weather, their Garden Party came to an end. Their friends stayed to help them tidy up (and maybe swipe an extra biscuit or cake while they did so!) But the bears were just glad that everyone had had a great time and pleased that they had been able to put on a really great party!

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