The Nature Reserve

Looking Round The Nature Reserve

A Read-Along Activity

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When the teddy bears were on holiday on Anglesey recently, they stayed in a lovely cottage in the countryside, where the owners had started their own Nature Reserve, which is an area of land that is protected in order to keep safe the animals and plants that live there.

They had planted over 1,200 trees, and there were lots of wildflowers and birds to see. Buzzards flew in huge circles around the sky. There were bird feeders dotted around the area, which seemed to be especially popular with the local goldfinches.

There were rabbits and pheasants in the meadows. One of the pheasants was very tame and would eat out of the owner's hand - his name was Phil (the pheasant, not the owner!)
Phil The Pheasant

The bears were invited to look around the Nature Reserve whenever they wanted. Yes, please! Unfortunately there was rather a steep climb to get up to where you could see the best views, but they eventually managed (with lots of huffing and puffing along the way, and a few stops for drinks and sweeties!)

Can You See The Sea?

From the top of the hill, they could see across to the huge mountains in North Wales, and, if they stood on tiptoe, they could even see the sea!

The owners had lots of mechanical equipment to help them look after the Nature Reserve, and they let Custard sit on one of their tractors (not whilst it was moving of course!) It was very high up for him!

Custard On The Tractor

The bears didn't climb up the hill every day, of course, because they would have been totally worn out by the end of a week. Luckily, the birds had a feeder right outside the cottage window, and the cottage looked out over the meadow where the rabbits and pheasants visited.

The bears were quite sad when they were leaving, but all the animals and birds, and the flowers and trees, would be looked after while the bears were gone. The teddies hope they can visit again very soon!

WalkerBear And Custard Enjoy The View

The Nature Reserve the bears visited was private, but there are lots of public ones which anyone can visit. See if there is one near you - they are great places to go!