The Fort

A Great Fort

A Read-Along Activity

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Yesterday, a very large parcel arrived for Jane. Inside was a new printer, which the teddy bears didn't think was very interesting - but the box itself was big and brown and sturdy, and had loads of packing materials.

It was Crackers who noticed that the packing material looked like battlements (the up and down stonework you see at the tops of castles). And then he suggested that the bears could possibly turn the box into a fort which they could play with. What a brilliant idea!

So they set to and worked out what they each needed to do to make it happen. Scary and Teddy carefully cut out a big doorway.

Testing The Drawbridge Indoors
Bubbles and Crackers worked out how to make a drawbridge which could be raised and lowered. They didn't have any chains to attach to it, but string worked just as well!
Custard, Tommy And Alfred
Boo was in charge of gluing the battlements to the top of the box - he nearly managed to glue himself on to them as well! And Custard and Tommy made a beautiful sign with the Fort's name on it - Fort Teddy!!

When all the glue had dried, and the drawbridge was working, and the sign had been attached, which seemed to take forever, they all wanted to play with it.

Crackers And Oscar On The Battlements
As it was such a nice day, they decided to take it outside. It took all the bears to carry it out into the back garden and place it on the grass.

They invited some friends over to play with them as well, and soon they were running in and out across the drawbridge, and climbing over the battlements pretending to be the cavalry.

What A Great Fort!
It was great fun, but it was soon time for tea, so they carried their fort back inside in case it rained overnight, but they planned to play with it again all the next day.

Perhaps you have some big empty boxes that you can turn into something to play with. Maybe make a house for your teddy bears to play in.

The More The Merrier
Or a car they can drive - it will need something like paper plates for wheels! Or you could turn it into a puppet theatre. That last idea sounds so good that the teddy bears are thinking they might want to try that one too!! Have fun!