Pancake Day

The Teddy Bears Make Pancakes

A Read-Along Activity

S14_Header_All Eating Pancakes
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It's Shrove Tuesday! Better known to bears (and boys and girls) as Pancake Day! The bears like pancakes (mmmm!)

Bubbles and Crackers and Custard decided that they would make some for the other bears.

S14_01_Making Pancakes
Making Pancakes
They found a big mixing bowl and measured out some flour, and added eggs and milk, until it was a nice, thick batter. They asked Jane to help with the cooking because none of them are allowed too near to the cooker, but Bubbles did manage to toss a few pancakes to flip them over and cook the underside.
S14_02_Bubbles Tossing Pancakes
Bubbles Tossing Pancakes
Apparently it's a lot harder than it looks! It took several tries before he managed to get a pancake to stay in the pan! The kitchen was a bit of a mess afterwards (uh-oh)!

When the pancakes were done, the bears set the table with plates and spoons.

S14_04_Custard And Tommy Sharing
Custard And Tommy Sharing
Each bear had a pancake each to start with, except for Tommy and Custard who shared one (they are only little and could only eat half a pancake each). They had a choice of toppings too. There was sugar, and lemon juice and syrup and honey and different fruits, as well as icecream.
S14_05_Sugar And Syrup Are The Best Toppings
Sugar And Syrup Are The Best Toppings
They especially liked the honey - they are bears after all!

Luckily, the batter was enough to make lots of pancakes, and Scary managed to eat 4! Still, he is the biggest bear. Teddy and Bubbles managed to eat 3 each, and even Crackers and Boo had 2 each.

S14_03_Crackers And Boo Love Them
Crackers And Boo Love Them
Tommy and Custard were still happy with just the 1 between them. They all tried different toppings on them, and they all declared them very nice indeed!
S14_06_Scary On His Fourth Pancake
Scary On His Fourth Pancake

Even though they were so full they could hardly move, they helped to tidy up the kitchen before they snuggled down on the sofa to relax and promptly fell asleep!

Roll on next Pancake Day!!