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Watery Games

A Read-Along Activity

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It has been incredibly hot today. Today, when the teddy bears checked their thermometer, it registered over 30 degrees centigrade outside! That is extremely hot. It's been almost too hot for ages to be outside in the garden, but today the bears decided to change all that!!

They invited their pals over for a game in the garden and they hurried over to join them - they were fed up of sitting inside in the shade too!

When they arrived, the bears explained the games they wanted to play were with water pistols!!

Duck, Alfred!
They wouldn't mind if they got hit as the water would cool them down, and they would be watering the garden at the same time! What a great idea!

First up was Gerry.

Another Miss!
He was quite good with a water pistol so the bears all ran into the garden and hid wherever they could, behind trees, amongst the flowers, behind the pots! He eventually spotted Alfred hiding behind some marigolds and aimed at him. With his first shot, Alfred managed to duck in time and Gerry missed.
Right On The Ear!
And on the second, he just missed him again! But on his third squirt, he caught Alfred right on his ear! Alfred squealed, but was secretly very pleased to be soaked in the cool water! So Gerry aimed and hit him again!

Right Between Teddy And Custard
Then it was Crackers' turn with the water pistol. His aim is not very good, so the other bears decided to make it a bit easier for him and, instead of hiding amongst the flowers, several of them sat in a row in the grass, and Crackers tried to get as many of them wet as he could. After a lot of tries, he managed to hit Oscar!

Crackers Hits Oscar
When the bears were all completely worn out - and completely soaked - they sat outside in the sunshine to dry off and drink cooling lemonade and eat ice creams. What a lovely time they had!

Even if you don't have water pistols, you can still enjoy playing water games in the garden. Perhaps have a bucket of water and some sponges to soak, and then you can have two teams and throw them at each other, like playing dodgeball.

Drying Off In The Sun
Or if you have some small balloons, you could fill them with water, then stand round in a ring and throw the balloons to each other, and you're out if you drop it and it bursts! Last one standing wins! Whichever version you play, please remember not to aim at anyone's head as, unlike for teddy bears, a squirt of water in your eye or ear isn't fun. Enjoy your watery games!