Hide And Seek

Hide And Seek Indoors

A Read-Along Activity

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The weather was a bit cold and wet the other day so the bears couldn't go outside and play, so they decided to play a game inside instead.

They have often played hide and seek in the garden, and there are lots of places to hide out there. But they thought perhaps they could also play it indoors. Their friends were visiting too, so there would be a lot of bears to join in.

Scary Counting To Twenty

Scary volunteered to be 'on' which meant he was going to be doing the seeking, but first he had to close his eyes and face away from everyone and count to 20 (which wasn't very difficult for him since he knows his numbers really well). At the end of the count he had to shout "Coming - ready or not!" and then he would start trying to find all the other bears.

The bears had all decided at the beginning that upstairs was out of bounds, so Scary only had the downstairs rooms to search.

Bubbles Not Really Hiding
He very quickly found Bubbles, who had become so entranced with the twirly globe on the table, that he had forgotten to hide! One down, loads more to go!

Teddy had hidden in the laundry basket, but kept popping up to see where Scary had got to, and on one of those occasions, Scary was right next to him, so Teddy was caught too!

Crackers Trying To Hide

Crackers had hidden behind an orange crate, but his pale fur caught Scary's eye, and he was found. Then Oscar, who had hidden in the hood of a raincoat, was found because he'd left his ears showing.

Is That Oscar's Head?

Tommy was found hiding on one of the bookshelves - he's so little that he could almost disappear. Scary was very clever to find him there!

Tommy In The Bookcase

Charlie had hidden under the TV unit, but unfortunately all the flashing lights on the plugs under there highlighted the hi-vis stripes on his jacket, and he was really noticeable, so Scary found him too.

Charlie Hiding

The last one to be found was James. He had decided to hide in the shopping bag, amongst lots of other things and it took Scary a long time to find him. As he got closer and closer to James's hiding place, the rest of the bears would shout out "You're getting warmer" and as he moved away from James's hiding place, they would shout out "You're getting colder". Eventually, following their shouts, Scary peered into the shopping bag and found James there!

James Hiding In The Shopping Bag

The bears couldn't remember if being found first or last made you the next 'Seeker', but the next time they let James do the finding whilst they all hid again. They played lots of times so that everyone had a go at being the one to search for the others, and there was lots of laughter and shouting, so they had a really fun afternoon.

Perhaps you could play a game of hide and seek too, but instead of hiding yourselves, why don't you get your teddies to hide and then find each other. You'll discover that there are lots of places indoors that teddies can fit into! Have fun!