
What A Lot Of Work To Do

A Read-Along Activity

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The teddy bears decided that they wanted to re-decorate their bedroom, and everyone wanted to help. They promised to be good!

The first job was to remove all the furniture out of the room. This was very hard work for little bears and they needed lots of breaks to recover. Then they laid down a covering over the carpet so that it wouldn't get damaged by all the work they were about to do.

Scary Scraping The Wallpaper
Then they had to wipe down all the old wallpaper with a wet sponge which would let water soak into the paper and make it easier to remove. They all enjoyed this job, though it did lead to a few "sponge fights!"

Next job was to scrape all the old wallpaper off the walls, and Scary and Boo decided to help with that. Scary's job was to scrape off the paper using what looked like a spatula. He was the only one who could reach quite high and was allowed to climb the stepladder, so he went round all the walls from half-way up to ceiling height! And the other bears tried to help by scraping the lower walls. It was a more tiring job than it looked. There were lots of rests for cups of tea!

Boo Tries To Help

The floor ended up covered in bits of old wallpaper (good job they had covered the carpet) - some very long bits, but lots and lots of little bits too. And the pieces were still a little bit sticky from the old glue.

Boo thought it was great fun to pretend that all the paper bits on the floor were like the leaves which fall from the trees in Autumn, and he spent lots of time kicking through them, and making the mess even worse.

Making A Mess
And then all the other bears joined in too! It was great fun!

When they had finished playing, though, Boo started to gather up all the bits of paper together to put them into rubbish sacks for the dustman to collect. He ended up with more bits of paper stuck to him than were in the bags!!

In the end, all the bears helped him tidy up all the bits, even those which had ended up in the windowsill, and behind the radiator (a good job for tiny Tommy) and in Scary's waistcoat pocket (how had they got there, the bears wondered??!?)

Boo Tidies Up
Soon, the room was ready for its new look - now all the bears have to do is decide amongst themselves what colour the walls should be painted!! I'm sure that won't take very long!