Bear On The Stair 2022

Day Twenty - Making Paper Stockings

A Read-Along Activity

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Making Paper Stockings
It's nice to receive presents at Christmas and I like to open a Christmas stocking first thing on Christmas morning! This year I thought I would try to make my own Christmas stockings to give to my friends. Rather than make them out of material, though, I wanted to decorate them personally for each bear so I decided to use my 'artistic' skills from yesterday and made them out of some brown paper I found in our craft box. I drew a big stocking shape on the paper and cut out two pieces for each stocking. Then I sewed the two pieces together with a needle and wool, making sure the seams were especially strong. Then I drew pretty patterns all over the paper stockings with coloured pencils and wrote the name of each bear on them. Phew! I had loads of them to make but they were quite quick and easy and I know that all my pals will have fun opening them on Christmas morning!