Baking Muffins

Busy In The Kitchen

A Read-Along Activity

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The teddy bears like to go out shopping each week to buy different foods for their meals. This week they bought some damsons (they are like small plums). They are very sour if you eat them raw, but they taste really yummy when they have been cooked.

But what would the bears make with them? After a lot of discussion - it's very difficult for so many bears to agree on anything - they decided that they would be lovely in muffins! And the bears love muffins! So they set to and found a recipe. Then they all had different jobs to do.

Teddy and Tommy were in charge of weighing out the flour.

Teddy And Tommy Weigh Out The Flour
Teddy scooped it into a bowl on the scales, and Tommy checked the weight on the display and let Teddy know when there was the right amount. That flour gets everywhere! Check out Teddy's face in the photo!

Scary then sifted the flour through a sieve into the food mixer bowl. Teddy added the sugar. Bubbles mixed together the liquid ingredients in a big jug and they were added to the bowl.

Scary Sifts Flour Into The Bowl

The damsons needed to have the stones removed from their middles, and then be chopped up into small pieces. Scary carried out this task too because the knives were very sharp and he didn't want any little paws to get cut! The damsons were then added to the bowl as well.

Teddy Adds Sugar

Teddy was in charge of turning the food mixer on and off until the mixture was just the right consistency (that means how hard or soft it was - and it needed to be soft and runny).

In the meantime, Crackers and Boo were placing muffin cases into the holes in the muffin trays. Edward had to stop them when they'd filled 39 - they only needed 12!!

Bubbles Mixes Eggs And Yogurt
Bubbles then carefully spooned the mixture between the cases - he very cleverly used an ice-cream scoop, so that all of the cases were filled with the same amount. Then Tommy sprinkled some nuts and brown sugar over them so that the tops would be all crunchy when they were baked!

Scary turned on the oven and put the muffin trays in to bake - little bears are not allowed to touch hot ovens! But they were allowed to watch the muffins baking through the glass oven door, as long as they didn't get too close!

The Completed Mixture

You may have noticed that Custard hasn't been mentioned yet - what was his job? He had the best job of all because he got to lick whatever was left on the beaters and bowl after the muffins were in the oven! He loved his job!!

Ready For The Oven

The end results were absolutely gorgeous. The bears had to be a bit patient after the muffins were taken out of the oven because they were extremely hot! But they ate them whilst they were still just warm. The tops were crunchy, the insides were light and fluffy, and the damsons were sweet and tasty. Yum! Yum!

Perhaps you could try baking some muffins too.

Custard's Favourite Job
If you don't have any damsons, you could use blueberries, or plums, or any other fruit really - they will all taste yummy! You can find the recipe the teddy bears followed here. Happy baking!!