A Wild Animal In The Garden

Who Is Robert The Rabbit?

A Read-Along Activity

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"Quick! Quick!" Scary shouted out the other day at teatime. "Come and look at this! You'll never guess what's in our garden!!"

Boo ran over to the window, and looked in the direction Scary was pointing. "What is it? What is it?" he asked excitedly.

Look Boo! Look!

"Sssh!" Scary whispered. "You'll frighten him away!"

Boo stretched to look past Scary and up the garden to where he was pointing. "Can you see it?" asked Scary.

Boo looked and looked and looked and then, finally, just as Scary was beginning to think he had been seeing things, Boo suddenly spotted something lying in the grass right at the far end of the garden. "It looks like a little animal" he whispered.

He must have made a little bit of noise because the animal suddenly sat up straight, his ears wiggling as if he was listening.

A Wild Animal In The Garden!
It was a little baby rabbit. He must have found his way into their garden through the fencing at the back.

The rabbit then started looking around the garden, and sniffing at the air, and nibbling at the ends of the blades of grass. His fur looked very soft, and he had cute little paws, and big brown eyes, and very long ears, and a little, white, fluffy tail.

Robert Close Up
The teddy bears decided to call him Robert - Robert the Rabbit or Bob the Bunny suited him.

Crackers ran off to get his camera, and then took lots and lots of pictures of Robert hopping and jumping and running around the garden. At one stage, it even looked as if Robert was so worn out that he fell asleep!

Is Robert Asleep?
A few of the photos are shown here but there will certainly be more to share with you later in another story.

The other bears ran over to find out what all the fuss was about, and then joined in and watched Robert for a long time, whilst he was out in the garden.

Robert In The Sunshine
He seemed very interested in everything around him but he kept a wary eye open all the time just in case something alarming happened, like the big magpie landing on the grass flapping his wings right next to him!

Robert stayed in their garden for quite a while. Apparently rabbits come out and play every day in the late afternoon and very early morning so perhaps the bears will see him again - in the afternoon obviously because they just might not be up early enough in the mornings - bears like their sleep you know!!

Robert The Rabbit

Look out for any rabbits which might come into your garden too, especially if you live close to the countryside. Don't scare them - just watch quietly - they may play in your garden too!