A Spring Walk

What They Saw

A Read-Along Activity

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The teddy bears recently went on holiday to one of their favourite places, the Island of Anglesey, just off the North West coast of Wales. Crossing the bridge over the Menai Strait always makes them feel as if they are entering another country!

One day, when the weather was dry, but a bit cold, they decided to go out for a walk to see if they could find any baby lambs - apparently, sheep almost out-number the people on the island!

Sure enough, it didn't take long before they saw some at Foel Farm, by the shore of the Menai Strait, near to where they were staying.

Mum And Baby Lambs
There were lots of sheep with their lambs, some looked as if they had only recently been born - they were so small. Others looked a bit older. They were running and jumping around but some of the little ones kept very close to their Mums.

The lambs' wool was still very white because they hadn't yet had time to roll around in the grass and mud, which they seem to like doing when it rains!

Staying Near Mum

The bears then walked along a little bit of the Anglesey Coastal Path. It is actually 125 miles long, all the way around the island. That would be way too much for little bears to manage!! So they probably walked about one mile of it - well, actually two because they had to walk back to the cottage they started from as well.

Hello Lamb!

The part they walked was by the side of the Menai Strait, and then up some (very steep - for little bears!) steps into the fields higher up. There was plenty to see and do, though, even in that short distance.

They looked for pretty seashells on the seashore, clambered over some big rocks and used them to sit on whilst they had drinks and sweets, investigated an old building, skimmed stones across the water (Scary was best at this - his stones skimmed far out onto the water) and looked out for wildflowers. There were gorse bushes just coming into flower, and there were primroses and some lovely heather.

This Way Up The Steps

In the field at the top of the steps they found some more lambs too - we told you there were a lot on Anglesey! The lambs were skipping and playing together and didn't stay too close to their Mums, except for a couple who actually sat on top of their Mum!! The bears saw a lamb with a black woolly coat. They aren't seen as often as the white ones so the bears were especially pleased that they saw him!

Sitting On The Rocks

They eventually made their way back to the cottage, quite tired out from all the walking and fresh air but still chattering away about all the things they had seen and done.

If you go for a walk in the countryside at this time of the year, see how many lambs you can find. It's fun to spend some time sitting quietly and watching them skipping around and chasing each other. Have fun!

Baa Baa Black Lamb

You can click on the links in the story above to see more details about Foel Farm and the Anglesey Coastal Path - both well worth a visit if you ever go to Anglesey! As the bears can confirm!